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Plug & Play

PluG and Play

Championing simplicity and ease of use in a complex world that penalizes innovation

One of Clovity’s core founding objectives is to make innovation a business standard. At the same time, we want to make it easy for our clients to use our technology. That’s why we came up with Plug and Play Solutions.

We believe in the age old mantra “Why Re-invent the Wheel?” and follow it wholeheartedly. Tired of seeing clients spending their time and money trying to find solutions that exist and are actually reusable, we decided to create Plug and Play solutions, which were aimed at reducing wastage.

Having implemented demonstrable frameworks, we have taken our clients down the path of our? very cost effective solution. These frameworks are as good as a comprehensive product solution and end-to-end business process, and are available for our clients to use.

Some of the key benefits of Clovity’s Plug and Play Solutions are:

  • Extremely customizable – meets the exact needs of the client
  • No build-up cost
  • Ready to deploy within a couple of weeks
  • Our clients get the source code for most of the solutions
  • They’re open ended, giving clients the option of maintaining it themselves



Clovity is focused on bringing cutting edge solutions to industry IoT problems and Clovity’s CSensorNet is an answer to key industry issues like security, ease of use, fully integrated, dashboards, cost, ongoing enhancements and support for any successful IoT deployment. CSensorNet strengthens our customers IoT transformation as it provids versatile and cost effective customizable solution bringing un-parallel value proposition to it's Internet of Things (IoT).

A few key benefits of Clovity’s IoT CSensorNet Solution Framework includes:
  • Security/Governance
  • Device Management
  • A NextGen of real-time machine intelligence platform
  • Open Platform Architecture
  • Integrates with business systems and
  • Allows large-scale ecosystem collaboration
  • Advanced Data Analytics and Data Visualization capabilities

GPS Plug and Play

From Clovity’s investments in IoT and Mobility comes it's GPS framework. Our GPS Plug and Play solutions are simple frameworks that can be used in a vehicle, on a mobile phone, or inside a number of other custom GPS gadgets. GPS Tracking gadgets have a considerable measure of business incentive for organizations both large and small.

A few key benefits of Clovity’s GPS Solutions include:
  • Access to area-specific data translates to more targeted solutions.
  • GPS tracking gadgets provide huge cost-incentives to companies both large and small.
  • GPS allows for "dynamic following", generating real-time data that generates crucial information live. In the long run, this allows enterprises not solve problems faster, but also predict and prevent future potential failures.

Singularity Based Predictive Analytics Platform

At Clovity, we have invested heavily in AI and Machine Learning. Our innovations in these areas are state-of-the-art, and has made it possible for our clients to generate new predictions in sub-seconds.

The Dynamic Predictive Segmentation includes all predictions with “the Why” factors. Trending, comparative analysis at a weighted factor level, and anomalous pattern recognition are all enabled.

Our solutions can be Cloud-hosted, Client-provided, or On-premise SaaS deployment. These solutions are implemented with recommendation, classification, regression, and search, based on non-metric and metric distance functions.

Finally, our solutions incorporate weighing variables dynamically by relevance. We also include succinct data structures for maximum scalability.

A few key benefits of our Predictive Analytics Platform are:

Our ability to handle multiple data-sets simultaneously and to get to the bottom of the problems enables us to:

  • Discover new opportunities
  • Find emerging trends
  • Create new insights
  • Initiate new actions
  • Improve customer engagements, and
  • Generating better RoI

Customer Relationship Management - Customer 360

According to experts, the most common problem that leads to failing CRMs is insufficient user adoption.

One of the built-in advantages of Clovity’s CRM 360 is that the user experience is intuitive. It delivers features that make a sales rep’s life easier.

A few key benefits of our Customer-360 Platform are:
  • Better visibility into customer information: Reps can see all their accounts, contacts, opportunities, tasks, and events in one place.
  • Easy account planning: Reps can do their own account planning.
  • Better time management: Reps can better prioritize their days and manage their activities.
  • Reports: Reps can run their own reports on activities such as pending accounts, pipeline projects, sales, scheduled tasks, etc.
  • Dashboards: Reps can create personal dashboards to get a bird’s eye view of all their tasks.
  • Trending analyses: Reps can see selling trends and use this information to generate more sales.
  • Opportunity forecasts: Reps can see where sales are coming in, what they forecast for previous periods, and where they can sell more.
  • Email templates: Reps can communicate more easily and consistently with their customers using CRM 360’s advanced linkages with standard email clients.
  • Easy data updates: With the click of a button, reps can request that their contacts update their contact information.
  • Built-in record search-and-create: Reps can quickly create or search for the records they need across the entire database.
  • Outlook integration: CRM 360 is able to synchronize contacts, tasks, and calendar events between Microsoft Outlook and the main CRM interface.
  • No more micromanagement: With the ability to look up the entire history at a single glance, managers can find crucial details faster instead of constantly asking reps individually.

Customer 360, just as the name suggests, is a wholesome and comprehensive solution to customer relationship management.


DevOps Automation Solutions

Clovity’s unique DevOps solution allows enterprises to standardize and modernize applications, services, and operations.

Traditional legacy applications are rigid. Maintaining and upgrading them is a challenge that most CIOs face today. Our DevOps frameworks take a unique approach in transforming and modernizing the legacy applications without any ‘forklifting’. This serves the dual purpose of minimizing disruption and bringing flexibility to the operations.

Finally, our solutions allow enterprises to define and maintain a centralized approach. This helps us enforce application policies while leveraging cost benefits, capacity assigning, and speed of provisioning.

A few key benefits of our DevOps Solutions are:
  • Align digital initiatives with business outcomes
  • Continuous application discovery & intelligence for assessment, standardization and migration
  • Unified application intelligence from large volumes of operations and application data
  • Automate establishment of baseline to track and optimize improvement.
  • Comprehensive view of target environments to help in audits, assessments, and standardization
  • Cross-layer and cross-domain application operation analytics
  • Operational optimization and predictive analytics driven by Machine Learning
  • Scalable, secure, and self- governing Micro-services
  • Various App and Environments support with seamless partner integrations.

Organizational Intranets

New age organizations and their HR departments need a way to work with potential hires, new hires, and seasoned staff to maximize collaboration. This collaboration has to extend beyond simply using email and file sharing programs. More importantly, this needs to be done in a way that builds trust and loyalty. Also, it’s quite hard to recruit, train, and retain top talent.

That’s why Clovity’s intranet solutions harnesses the power of collaboration and information sharing via various mediums, such as ideas generation, announcements, questions, continuous feedback, and personalized insights.

Some key benefits of Clovity’s Organisational Intranet Solutions are:
  • Share important Human Resources documents with everyone
  • Expand your talent pool worldwide
  • Speed up the ROI of hiring new employees
  • Provide a more compelling Social Onboarding Process
  • Tap into the personalized insight and collective knowledge that already exists in your business
  • Create a central hub for sharing best practices and experiences
  • Improve communication and build lasting relationships

Vendor Management Application

Without an integrated solution to manage vendors, organizations are ill-equipped to make the strategic decisions necessary to deploy contingent labor or contingent companies efficiently and safely.

In the industry, there is a lack of an integrated technology solution that can align finance, procurement, HR, legal, and regulatory requirements. And, without an integrated solution, visibility of the enterprise is typically poor and can have serious consequences for risk control and compliance.

A few key benefits of Clovity’s Vendor Management Solutions include:
  • Total cost of procurement is reduced
  • Vendor performance is enhanced by the regular reviews and improvement in purchaser/vendor interaction
  • Improved information flow between the purchaser and the vendor increases information management of both companies
  • Efficient purchasing enhances profit levels
  • Experienced staff are released from problem solving to concentrate on core purchasing processes
  • Continual review of your vendor
  • Reduce misunderstandings and miscommunications

We are passionate about helping
you maximize value of your
IoT investments - CSensorNet is your answer!

At Clovity, we believe that providing reliable, scalable and innovative solutions is the only way for guaranteed customer satisfaction. We analyze every problem as one element of a greater system, and combined with our solution accelerators and plug & play frameworks along with understanding of our customer ecosystem is the only way on how everything comes together with faster time to market for any product launch. Only by listening to the end user can we provide optimized solutions that solve the specific needs of the industries we serve. With ever more customers requiring ever more sophisticated solutions, only innovations tailored by informed thought leadership and solutions can provide customers with next generation cutting edge project solutions and platform - CSensorNet.

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