Clovity's experience in Requirements Management ensure every inch of the journey is charted for effective as-is-to-be state.
Many believe that Requirements Management is not an integral part of the Agile Development Methodology. While documentation needs to be lean in Agile, it does not completely take away the need to document requirements and maintain them. At the very least, light documentation describing the story with the major points to note is critical.
As the project progresses, it is the BA’s responsibility to manage the requirements and maintain traceability within requirements and between defects and test cases. As a result, Requirements Management is, knowingly or unknowingly, a critical and integral part of Agile. In Agile, the requirements metamodel comprises of Epics, User Story, Defects, Test Cases, Release or Version, and Sprint. A few Agile Software development tools have additional attributes such as Themes, Components, and others.
The focal point of maintaining the data attributes is the User Story, which allows the stakeholders to obtain and view data in different formats. They can also slice and dice it to gain more visibility, learn from mistakes, and improve in future Sprints and Releases. It is critical to groom and decompose the product backlog. Business Analysts, in conjunction with the Product Owner, play a vital role in grooming the product backlog and then maintaining the same. There are many Agile Development tools in the market that help the Agile team define and manage their backlog and maintain traceability.
Clovity’s Requirements Management Framework factors in requirements prioritization, requirements traceability, requirements meta model (agnostic of a tool which can be easily implemented in any tool of choice), and build and maintain traceability. Impact analysis and Version Control are two other strong foundations of our Requirements Management Framework.
Our group of seasoned Business Analysts, with several years of experience across industry and tools, have defined a systematic approach to prioritize the needs, a well laid out structure to trace the requirements based on the defined meta-model, end to end impact assessment based on predefined questionnaires and checklists, and simple but effective ways to maintain version control of conditions.