Healthcare Digital
Digital Solution Saves Hospital Millions in Lawsuits and Facilitates 3x Increase in Patient Satisfaction Scores Through EHR Digitalization
The Hospital’s Challenge
A Midwest based hospital had various manual processes to enter and record medical data, which not only caused inefficiencies, but also lead to the wrong diagnosis through errors in data entry. This resulted in poor patient satisfaction. Furthermore, lack of personalized care lead to lower patient engagement, which resulted in loss of patients to other medical facilities. All this was largely attributed to the hospital’s medical devices that were not “talking” to each other.
The Clovity Solution
Clovity leveraged it's Digital Studio’s experience in Healthcare Digitalization, Automation, and Medical IoT and using the hospital’s existing architecture, we designed and developed the new connected digital EHR solution.
Clovity ensured speed and accuracy through a collection of data directly from multiple devices simultaneously. Our solution was also future proof because it ensured the integration of the newer devices in the ecosystem, as they were purchased by the hospital.
Clovity delivered a connected ecosystem with a proprietary user interface, which was digitally integrated with various medical equipment and devices that had plug-in based architecture. It was capable of supporting the new medical equipment purchased by the hospital, resulting in significant reduction in manual recording. This prevented possible lawsuits arising out of errors caused by manual entry, which further boosted the hospital’s credibility and helped deliver personalized and centralized availability of data.